Well, I guess that’s it.

You might’ve guessed. This blog has been inactive for a long time. Fantage hasn’t had any events (that I know of), and the latest updates weren’t exactly the best. Fantage is just… boring. I myself haven’t logged on in months.

I’m officially quitting. Fantage, and this blog. It was fun, but now… It’s boring, and posting new events seems almost like a chore.

Or, as Serena/Waterfairy would put it, “Fantage sucks”.

Serena has moved on – she plays Aura Kingdom now. I do a mixture of Minecraft, Youtube, and fanfiction.

Goodbye to all of you guys, if you’re still reading this blog. Love you all, it’s been fun ❤

Candy Cane Hunt Results!

The candy cane scavenger hunt is over!

(Click here to see the original post.)

Congratulations to everyone who joined 😀
(Cheeselinamouse, Piano Music, Imy3672, Dolly11118, Redsparkle123, Math10000)

Now for the winners (and prizes!)…

Third place winner is…



Note: This is a starred, member item.

Second place winner is…



Adorable Pigtails

And for the first place winner…

Dolly11118 (Jesi)!


Purple Midnight Hair

Email Cindy to get your prize!

Note: Jesi/Dolly11118, If you don’t want Purple Midnight Hair and you want one of the other two prizes, just include that in your email 🙂

Congrats everyone!

New Clothes 2015

Fantage added new items to the shops:

new clothes

This new format looks so… futuristic. I like it 🙂


The model on the far right is the nonmember model. Everything else is member.

Last time Fantage released new clothes, there was a trick to getting them for free, but that trick doesn’t work anymore.


My personal favorites are the hair on the second model (with earrings) and the MP3 player on the nonmember model.

And it might be just me, but the first model’s earrings… Are they in the Shadowhunter rune shape? (The Mortal Instruments)



The clothes definitely look better than the older clothes. They look a bit more modern. My favorite has to be the first model’s outfit ^_^


I ate your cake

New Year 2014

Happy New Year everyone!

whatever michelle
ew year

Ball Drop

This year (for some reason), the annual ball drop is happening on the Beach instead of the Castle (probably because Fantage took away the area between the Castle Bridge and the inside…)

ball drop

The ball drop will happen at midnight 2015.


Oh whoops it happens a minute before midnight

And after that time, you can simply click on the ball to drop it.


Yep, you can laugh out loud while you drop the ball.

Fireworks at Beach

You can shoot the fireworks next to the ball drop…


Or you can buy personal fireworks to shoot wherever you want.


In my opinion, 20 gold is really not worth it, even if other people can see it.

Free Gift

When you log on, you get a free New Year’s gift.

free gift

New Year’s Resolution

This is pretty much just a piece of paper you can print out to write your resolutions on. It’s much easier to just write them on a piece of line paper, or online.

 I’m not a fan of this “event.” The free item isn’t my style but at least it’s something for everyone. Also, who would spend 20 gold on fireworks? ._. It’s not worth it. 


There’s really nothing to do, so yeah… At least we get a free item 😛


Happy Holidays!

CHEAT: (credits to kendiecake) To get last year’s prize from Santa, go to the Spanish server and click on Santa there!

santa's gift

Fantage now has 30 million users (I bet most of them are spare accounts, but whatever), so we all get a free board!

30 mil

And there’s a new Christmas event:


Like every event, there are limited items.

limited items

They’re only for members, so you can’t use the tab trick 😦

In Mt. Fantage, there’s a decorated tree that you can click on to get either a Snowman Face or a Snowman Nose.

christmas tree

You can use one face and one nose to build a snowman and get a prize.


Most of the time the prize is a sticker or a gem.
You can get a medal from it too, one level (max is 99).
You can also get Cody’s Crazy Combo’s Coupons.
I’ve seen some people get moodies.  moodiemoodymood moodimooddmooddymoddybear
There’s an item that you might get too.
Plus, there’s a small chance to get gold (if you built the 1,000th, 5,000th, or 10,000th snowman).

Other possible prizes: Red Reindeer Antlers, Green Reindeer

Green Reindeer

There’s a Polar Express, to take you to Mt. Fantage. The map is faster, this bus is just for fun.


On Christmas, Santa will appear in his cabin to give a gift.



There’s also a raffle, for the brick set.



If you’re on Fantage at the time of the raffles (6:00, 6:30, 7:00, 7:30, 8:00 pm FST, or Eastern Time), you have a chance of winning the overpriced brick set, and therefore getting the outfit and board also.
out brd

Winners will be posted on the Official Fantage Blog.

There’s this outfit in Collection that I don’t recognize…


Furry Toque hat, Winter Warmer Coat, Snow Leggings, Winter Snow Boots

It’s possible that they’re prizes from the tree, but I think they’re something else. Maybe items for a later event?

Our opinions:

This year’s Christmas event seems kind of… boring, I guess. You just stand around and click on the tree every fifteen minutes, that’s really all you can do… ~Cindy

This is not Fantage’s best event, but at least it’s something. I really hope Santa’s gift from last year isn’t reused :/ ~waterfairy66

Happy Holidays everyone! 😀

Pilgrim Adventure and Brick Set #FVHelper

Happy early Thanksgiving!

When you log in, you’ll get feathers (3 for nonmembers, 5 for premium members). The feathers are part of the Pilgrim Adventure.


The Pilgrim Adventure is like a board game, with a token to show where you are and a spinner to move a certain number of squares forward. Every spin costs one feather.


If you want to buy a feather with gold (which would be stupid, since you could use the trick below), they cost 50 gold.

If you make it around the whole board and land back on Start, you get 5 more feathers.
around the world

There’s a glitch, where you can get HUGE amounts of feathers. Just go on another account, without gold, and buy them for yourself! Even if the account doesn’t have gold, your main account will still get the feathers!

Get yourself a good amount of feathers now, before Fantage takes this glitch down!
(I hope Fantage doesn’t forcibly take our feathers away like they did for the unicorn trick, though)


The lake and rock squares have special effects, like “Move one square backward”.
The road square moves you forward.

Some squares have prizes, like gems (coined), CCC coupons, Lucky Bot coupons, free feathers, or stars.
The treasure chest squares give item prizes.
hair outfit shoes board turkey

And one square gives you the medal.

It can level up to 99, but you get only 1 level each time you land on it.


You don’t just get the prizes freely, though. You have to win a minigame to get the prize.

Pie Maker

pie maker

Move the mouse and catch the right ingredients to make a pie. You have to make 5 pies in a minute to get the prize.

pie makers

You can make any of the three pies, so don’t limit yourself to any one type. The stuff falls slowly, so it’s easy.

Rock, Paper, Scissors

rock paper scissor

Simple enough. Choose one of three, and hope you win.
If it comes out to be a draw, you still get the prize.

Turkey and Chicken

how toturkey and chicken

It’s simple enough, you press the arrow keys to sort the turkeys and chickens apart.
If the heart bomb appears, you can click left or right, it doesn’t matter, it’ll still sort for you.

Turkey Run

turkey run

Why did the turkey cross the road?


All you have to do is make one turkey cross the river.


This is actually pretty hard, because the lilypads expand and shrink. So try to get across quickly. Don’t stay on the platforms longer than you need to.

If you lose a minigame but still want the prize, you can use 100 gold to buy another chance.

Not worth it, in my opinion. You can get almost endless feathers anyway, you can get it later.


The “brick set” turned out to be a Fantage Lego set.

fashion show brick set

Click here for more information.

The set looks like this:


It also has mini Fantage Lego figures, and other add-on stuff


It looks pretty cool, I guess… Still not as good as playing Fantage itself.

Then I saw the price… (click here)

It’s $80, for heaven’s sake! Who would buy something so expensive? Even with the premium member 20% discount, that’s still $64!

Even with the free limited virtual items, it’s still not worth it.


Our opinions:

Pilgrim Adventure is pretty cool. I like how the prizes are hard to get, and how we have to win minigames.

My favorite minigame is the Turkey Run. It’s fast, and pretty easy once you get the hang of it. Pie Maker feels so slow and boring.

I wish it were easier to level up the medal… 1 level per landing is pretty small. But I have unlimited feathers and almost unlimited time, so I’m not complaining too much.

And the brick set is WAY too expensive.



I agree with Cindy ^o^ The general idea is pretty cool, but the mini games are so hard T-T


As for the brick set, :/ I see no point in it.


The Contest Is OVER!

The contest has ended!

The runner-up is…

Congratulations! I sent you an email, about the prizes 😀

And the first place winner is…

Congratulations!!! I sent you an email too 🙂

And thank you to everyone who joined, you guys all did amazingly well! And thanks for entering my first contest on this blog! 😀

Even if you didn’t win, you still joined, and I hope you had fun 🙂

The points are on the scoresheet, here. I put everyone in order of score, so you can see where you stand.

Congratulations to the winners! If you didn’t get your email, comment below or email me.

P.S. If you want to see where each pumpkin was and how much each pumpkin was worth for the fifth task, click here. I’m going to take down the pumpkins in a few days, so you can still see the pumpkins you didn’t find. I deleted all the pumpkins and the codes 😉

Home Sweet Home #FVHelper

Fantage finally added something new to the furniture catalog, after… I don’t even know how long. There’s also an extra, luxury item, that costs – you guessed it – gold.

home sweet home

You can choose between white or black. I personally think the white looks better.


I wouldn’t buy it though… Look at the price!

expensive expensive2

And as for the other new furniture items…

outside inside

I think they look pretty nice. You can buy them with stars and ecoins, like normal. There’s even some items for nonmembers, which is surprising. Fantage took away most of the nonmember furniture items from the catalog a few years ago.


new stuffnewstuff2

I like the nonmember outside furniture. The inside furniture is kind of expensive.

Contest Ends Tomorrow

The contest is going to end tomorrow, and I will announce the results. The final task was to find the thirty pumpkins scattered around the blog (I’d planned to hide 50, but… I think this contest dragged on long enough)

So send me your entry for Task 5 by the end of tomorrow!